Planning to Relocate Your Business? Hire a Skip Bin

Planning to Relocate Your Business? Hire a Skip Bin

A time comes when you might feel the need to move your business to a new location. The need for a larger premise or an area with more customer traffic than your current location may prompt the decision.

Whatever the reason, you may need to hire a skip bin as part of the moving process. Skip bins are especially essential for businesses that have been at the premises for a long time. Such businesses will often have accumulated a lot of clutter that they ought to dispose of before relocating to the new premises. Companies planning to relocate should hire skip bins for the following reasons.

Get rid of any items you do not need

You might hoard things long after their use has expired. Hoarding is especially common for items that have sentimental value. This may be that first point-of-sale system you acquired for your business when starting. For others, this may be their first office chair or desk. Such items, though sentimental, are unnecessary clutter that you should get rid of, especially if they are not integral to business operations.

Thus, hire a skip bin to get rid of such items when packing your equipment for relocation. The rubbish management company from which you hired the skip bin will handle the clutter accordingly, depending on whether it is recyclable.

Maximise the leased-out space

What if you have considered relocating to a larger premise because you have a lot of clutter?

Sometimes, clutter is unnoticeable, especially when it is in furniture or appliances. This is different from other commercial waste such as empty packets and cans that prompt taking them to a skip bin. Thus, you may not need to relocate to a bigger premise but should rather declutter.

Consider decluttering your premises and hiring a skip bin to hold the waste before your rubbish management company collects it for recycling. You may end up cancelling the relocation plans after realising that your current premise has enough space to run the business.

Save on moving costs

You do not need to fill the moving truck to feel that you have received value for your money. You are often better off having a half-filled truck than to make up for the space with clutter.

Moreover, your moving company will likely select a smaller truck than previously anticipated, which may translate to lower rates. Fewer items also mean a smaller moving workforce, reducing your moving expenses further. This creates a win-win situation because you will have disposed of unnecessary items and saved on moving costs.

The clutter will be in the hired skip bins for your rubbish management company to collect.

Leave almost everything behind

Sometimes, businesses relocate to overhaul their operations. Such a shift may include purchasing new office furniture, computers and printers.

Businesses planning an overhaul will usually have purchased the new equipment to be operational as of the relocation date. This means that most of the equipment at the initial premise needs disposing of appropriately.

Consider hiring one or more skip bins if your business plans such an overhaul. Hire multiple skip bins to sort the waste based on its type. You do not want to pile appliances and green waste from your office kitchen together.

You have almost no positives to relocating with clutter to your new business premises. Skip bins are an effective way of handling clutter so that you relocate with only what you need to run your business. Contact us at Green Bins and schedule a skip bin drop-off to declutter your premises before relocation. We look forward to helping you have a successful, clutter-free move.

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